Saatnya Perfume Diary !
Seperti biasa mon maaf sebelumnya, kalau series Perfume Diary ini aku pake bahasa inggris ya, karena biar lebih pendek, ringkas, dan padat. Namanya juga diary harian kan, kalau panjang namanya cerita pendek dong ntar hehe.. Anyway, cuss langsung ke Perfume Diary untuk minggu ini yaa ...
- SOTD > Scent of The Day (pagi/siang)
- SOTE > Scent of The Evening (malam)
Monday : Errands
SOTD > Chloe edp
I ran some errands today and I thought the day was gonna be windy and mellow so I opted for Chloe edp when I got ready in the morning. But lo and behold, when I got outside my apartment the sun was shining brightly and it was so hot and humid all day, so my Chloe got a little bit cloying. I may also sprayed too much of it in the morning - which then I regretted because you don’t spray a lot with Chloe as it can be overwhelming. I pitied those who met me during the day because I’m sure my perfume was a little bit too much for them in the hot humid day (oopss, sorry 🤭).
Tuesday : Starbucks, Cleaning/Rearranging
SOTD > Katy Perry Killer Queen
I spent my day rearranging my bags wardrobe and cleaning/rearranging my perfume rack. And then afterwards I did some blogging works while sipping my Spiced Pumpkin Latte that I got earlier from Starbucks. I chose to wear Katy Perry Killer Queen today because I haven't worn it in a long time and I was gonna make a comparison review between the Killer Queen and Zara Red Vanille on my blog, so I need to remember the scent correctly :) See my Katy Perry review here.
SOTE > Zara Black Amber
By night time the Katy Perry Killer Queen was completely gone. That one never lasts long on me. So I re-sprayed myself with a new perfume before spending time with H watching Modern Family on bed. I opted for the warm and comforting Zara Black Amber. This perfume to me is one of those Top 10 perfumes I must own - because it's a rare thing to love all the 3 phases of a perfume. And this is what happened between me and the Black Amber. This perfume already feels warm and very comforting from the opening notes up to the dry down. Always laff it!
Wednesday : Errands
SOTD > Versace Eros (1st trial)
Went out for a mini errand today, picking up my packages and did a short stop at the bakery for donuts 😜 I was contemplating on what to wear today but I finally made up my mind with a new purchase : Versace Eros. This was my first time wearing it and I immediately got a whiff of the core which is a soft powdery white florals scent with some citrus in the background. Actually it’s quite a nice fragrance (considering I blind-bought this because I just love the bottle hehe).
Thursday : Home
SOTD > Mugler Alien
I have no schedule and only minimal to-do list today so I’m just staying home, so it’s perfect to wear any perfume that I like without having to worry to offence someone else's nose hehe. So I wore Thierry Mugler Alien today. test out new perfumes. There are only 3 notes in Mugler Alien but it is beast mode, I don't know how they do that. Anyway this is a soft powdery jasmine fragrance warmed up by amber. A beautiful scent.
Friday : Dinner with friends
SOTD > Tiffany by Tiffany & Co
We meet up with some friends in the evening for dinner at the restaurant. I chose one of my newest decant that I recently got : the new Tiffany perfume by Tiffany&Co. It’s a beautiful feminine floral scent but too bad it doesn’t last very long on me.
Saturday : Movies with girlfriends
SOTD > Mon Guerlain
I went to the movies with my girlfriends in the afternoon and a coffee hangout later in the day. Picking up perfumes for close encounters and controlled temperature rooms such as the cinema is not that easy because you don't want it to be too strong and annoyed the person you are sitting next to. I’ve watched videos on “perfume that are appropriate for office” because I think the situation is rather the same (where you cannot wear loud perfumes and risk offending other people's nose), and lots of them suggested Mon Guerlain. So that’s what I chose to wore today :)
Sunday : Lunch with family
SOTD > Zara Black Amber
Sunday family day. We went for lunch with my parents in law. I wore Zara black amber again today because I’m craving for some warmth. Luckily today is not too hot so I can wear my warm scents during the day :)